• Cape Coral,  vacation

    Ferienhaus in Cape Cora. What to watch out for?

    Many Florida vacationers tour the country from a solid “Many Florida vacationers tour the country from a solid” Many Florida vacationers tour the country from a solid. Most holidaymakers book a holiday home for this. It is mostly cheaper than a hotel, but also different. What should you watch out for?? Cape Coral has the largest number of vacation homes…

  • Cape Coral

    Streets in Cape Coral, Florida

    For the correct assessment of the location of a holiday property, you should be familiar with the streets of Cape Coral. It is similar to Manhattan.

  • Real Estate

    About US real estate and freedom

    In view of the German economy destroyed by the Corona policy and in my personal expectation, that the global financial system could collapse, the question arises about the right investment. I think, that real estate continues to be a good investment. Especially vacation properties…